Congratulations, Class of 2022!

A Blessing for the Chaminade Julienne Class of 2022

Even though this year has its difficult moments, we know that your mercy is without end and your goodness is constantly with us.

We thank you for the favors you have bestowed upon us in these men and women of the class of 2022, and we thank you for their perseverance and trust in this past year.

As we thank you, we appeal to your compassion. Stay close to them. Guide them and protect them as they leave us for the next phase of their journey with you, and prepare them for the rewards of the life to come.

Gracious Lord, bless them and keep them. May your face always shine upon them. May they always rest securely in the tender palm of your hand. May your abundant grace come upon their families, friends, and all who have brought them to this place. May they now and forever soar as on Eagles wings. We ask this, through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord.
