Health Clinic

The Health Clinic strives to provide students with information and services to help keep them at their healthiest and to provide them with assistance until a parent arrives should they become ill during the school day. During the school year the CJ Health Clinic is staffed every school day by a licensed school nurse. 

CJ Drug Awareness and Universal Testing Program

List of 1 items.

  • As a leader for excellence in Catholic education, Chaminade Julienne continues to find ways to strengthen the Catholic educational experience for its students.

    Because our school is guided by a clear mission to educate the whole person, work for justice, and develop a family spirit, CJ instituted and implemented a student support program in 2010 in partnership with Boston College, called City Connects at CJ. This program helps us align our efforts to remove barriers that might impede a student from performing at his or her fullest potential. The program’s five areas of focus are: academics, social/emotional well-being, career, health, and family.

    In recent years, research and national and local news headlines have illustrated the growing problem of substance abuse in our society. In the fall of 2016, a fact-finding committee comprised of teachers and counselors from our City Connects implementation team, health professionals, and administrators took a fresh look at how the issue of substance abuse is affecting CJ students. After reviewing research, data and speaking to other schools that have successfully adopted a drug awareness and testing program, the committee recommended the adoption of student health and wellness initiative that includes new efforts to educate students on the dangers of the use and abuse of alcohol and illegal substance, provide tools that may aid students facing temptation, and help identify resources for students who have made unhealthy choices and seek a path to healthy living. This more proactive approach includes universal drug testing for every student, which began with the 2018-2019 school year.
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Drug Awareness and Universal Testing FAQs

List of 12 frequently asked questions.

  • Shouldn't this be considered the parents’ job?

    We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children, and parents have invited us to partner with them in their goal of preparing their children for college and life. We see this program as a tool for parents that supports our common goals and the education of the whole person.
  • When will students be tested?

    All students will be tested within the 1st quarter of the school year. Random additional testing will take place for students in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters.
  • Why does CJ have a drug testing program?

    CJ is educating students for a life-long understanding of the dangers of substance abuse and empowering students with tools to refuse the offer or pressures to use drugs and alcohol. The drug testing component offers students a tool they can use to refuse the offer of drugs, and it provides a way to identify and assist students who may be struggling.
  • Is there a problem with drug use at CJ?

    Our research does not indicate that we have a widespread problem with drug use at CJ.  However, we know that CJ students, just like adolescents everywhere, are faced with difficult decisions about whether to use and abuse drugs and alcohol.  Our program is not a response to substance abuse at CJ, but a preventive and educational initiative that will allow us to better serve our students, their families, and our community.
  • Is this an invasion of privacy?

    Chaminade Julienne is a private, Catholic school, and as such, parents choose to enroll their children and agree to the provisions of the student handbook, some which might not be permitted in public schools subject to different legal standards. While we strive to maintain student privacy as much as possible, adolescent substance abuse represents a serious danger to a young person’s ability to grow as a child of God. Our mission calls us to prepare young people to become lifelong learners, contributing members of society, and people of compassion, integrity, and service. Those struggling with substance use and abuse cannot reach their fullest potential and become the people God is calling them to be.
  • How do we maintain confidentiality?

    Aligning with the TRUST Plan, student confidentiality is at the upmost importance. Select school employees, along with parents, will work together upon a positive (drugs detected) test. 
  • What is the TRUST Plan?

    The TRUST (Together Responsible for Universal Student Testing) plan  is a graphic representation of how students and parents will be supported through a positive (drug detected) test result.
  • How will students be selected for random additional tests?

    The drug testing company will use a randomizer to select students for additional testing.
  • What will be tested?

    A hair sample will be used, which can detect drug use for up to 90 days. Providers will test for a range of illegal substances including Amphetamines (amphetamine, methamphetamine,
    ecstasy, MDA), Cocaine (cocaine, benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene, norcocaine), Opiates (codeine, morphine, 6-MAM), Phencyclidine (PCP), Marijuana (carboxy-THC), Extended Opiates (oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone). More information can be found on the Great Lakes Biomedical website.
  • Can a student get a false positive from the test?

    No, the testing process of leading drug companies have passed all tests for avoiding false positives in their hair sample drug tests.
  • How is the hair sample taken?

    Please refer to the Great Lakes Biomedical website. A third party provider will collect hair samples.
  • What do you expect from parents?

    CJ expects that parents will be supportive in the school's efforts to maintain a safe and healthy school community. We ask that parents do not ignore potential warning signs from students as we partner in our mission to create faith-filled adults. Finally, we expect that parents will maintain open lines of communication with the school in all efforts to keep students safe and healthy.